
The section displays a graphical representation of sequence of events on which each events are marked with a arrow.

Available Options:

  • Timeline module.

Timeline module:


<a class="btn btn-sm timeline-content-button" href=#>Business</a>

Most Popular Business Topics

Nullam elementum tincidunt massa, a pulvinar leo ultricies ut. Ut fringilla lectus tellusimp imperdiet molestie est volutpat at. Sed viverra cursus nibh.

<a href=#>Hannah Baker</a>
<a class="btn btn-sm timeline-content-button" href=#>Analytics</a>

Trends of Digital Marketing in 2017

Spen been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

<a href=#>Skye Miller</a>
<a class="btn btn-sm timeline-content-button" href=#>Marketing</a>

Most Popular Business Topics

Nullam elementum tincidunt massa, a pulvinar leo ultricies ut. Ut fringilla lectus tellusimp imperdiet molestie est volutpat at. Sed viverra cursus nibh.

<a href=#>Clay Jenson</a>
<a class="btn btn-sm timeline-content-button" href=#>Analytics</a>

Trends of Digital Marketing in 2017

Spen been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

<a href=#>Jessica Davis</a>


<div class="darkout-section">
{% include do-timeline.html %}

How to add content:

  • Step1: Navigate to the data file for timeline in _data > do-timeline.yml
  • Step2: Add content to the data file as shown in the below example.
- name: Hannah Baker  # Use timeline person's name here
  name-link: "#"  # Use name link here
  image: /assets/images/timeline/img-1.jpg  # Use timeline image here
  title: Most Popular Business Topics  # Use timeline title here
  title-link: "#" # Use timeline title link here
  description: Nullam elementum tincidunt massa, a pulvinar leo ultricies ut. Ut fringilla lectus tellusimp imperdiet molestie est volutpat at. Sed viverra cursus nibh.  # Use timeline description here
  rounded-image: /assets/images/timeline/img1.jpg  # Use timeline rounded-image here
  image-caption: Business  # Use timeline image-caption here
  image-caption-link: "#"  # Use image caption link here

How to add in page:

  • Step1: Add timeline to the page using the include statement.
  • Step2: On the page use

<div class="darkout-section">{% include do-timeline.html %}</div>

  • Attributes:

    • Class: Use additional class here as include variable.