Page Title:

This section displays a title, description and a button with link.

Available Options:

  • Page Title section.

Page Title section with bottom image:


<div class="darkout-section">
{% include do-page-title.html %}

How to add content:

  • Step1: Navigate to the front matter of the page where the page title is included.
  • Step2: Add content to the front matter as shown in the below example.
  - enabled: true
    custom-title: Effective Planning
    description: Habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus. Semper viverra nam libero justo laoreet sit amet. Sit amet massa vitae tortor condimentum lacinia quis vel eros.
    background-image: /assets/images/generic/product-strategy.png
  • Step3: In the front matter “enabled” options is set to be “true”. Without setting “enabled” as “true” page title section will not be displayed.
  • Step4: In the front matter “background-color” attribute can be used for setting page title section background color.
  • Step5: In the front matter “background-image” attribute can be used for setting page title section background image.

How to add in page:

  • Step1: Add page title to the page using the include statement.
  • Step2: On the page use

<div class="darkout-section">{% include do-page-title.html %}</div>

  • Step3: Add the data to the front matter of the page. Without adding data page title will not be displayed.